image: © Richard Vignola (CC BY-NC-ND)

Here is a causal loop diagram showing a model relating customer satisfaction to developer stress. It is taken (and slightly modified) from “How Software is Built” [Weinberg, 2014].

Use the up and down arrows in the nodes in the model to:

  • Decrease customer satisfaction a bit;
  • Make the developer stress level a lot lower;
  • Increase quality reality.

What happens when we make the schedule match reality a bit more? Why not add a little pressure on the developers?

What can you do as a manager to make this a more healthy system? Any structural changes? Could adapting to Scrum help?

All causal loop diagrams are models and thus they're wrong and useful at the same time. You can remix a model to make it more closely represent your context. Please share your remixed model with the world!


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